This is the one we have all been waiting for – gamers and game developers, movies fans and movie creators, souvenirs and model makers…You think Frankenstein was master of getting “things” alive, well you are wrong – we will revive your favorite game icon or a character of your own and bring it at your table.
If you are a game developer searching the way to promote your game or reward loyal customers or you are trying to crowdfound your idea, personalized collectibles are the good way to “move” your product. From the gamers point of view this is your chance to get your own Bat’leth blade, soap shaped like Tardis or a piece of your huge Minecraft world on your office work desk! Combination of 3D modeling and color printing will give you a way to create something unique and different. The same “rules” apply if you want to create some more “traditional” souvenirs: we 3d scann something, modify it and apply to any sort of design.